i=2; lst=[i**=2 while i<1000]

Daniel Schüle uval at rz.uni-karlsruhe.de
Tue Dec 6 09:27:21 EST 2005



>># pseudo code
>>lst=[i**=2 while i<1000]
>>of course this could be easily rewritten into
>>while i<1000:
>>     i**=2
>>     lst.append(i)
> Neither of these loops would terminate until memory is exhausted. Do you 
> have a use case for a 'while' in a list comprehension which would 
> terminate?

unless I am missing something obvious, I can not see why the loop should 
not terminate
sure pseudo code is not executable but the other one works
while tests the boolean expression first then decides whether to execute
the body or not, in particular no next-iterator is involved(??)
as it would be in
for i in lst:
	del lst[0]

Regards, Daniel

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