mxODBC argv sql query

BartlebyScrivener rpdooling at
Mon Dec 12 14:05:49 EST 2005

This can't be the most elegant way to get a command line parameter into
an sql query. It works but I can't explain why. Is there another, more
correct way? Here sys.argv[1] is a topic like "laugher" or "technology"

import mx.ODBC.Windows as odbc
import sys

driv='DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=d:/Access

conn = odbc.DriverConnect(driv)
c = conn.cursor()

c.execute ("SELECT Author, Topics.Topic1, Topic2, Quote FROM QUOTES7
WHERE Topics.Topic1 LIKE '%%%s%%'"  % sys.argv[1])

rows = c.fetchall()

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