questions about py2exe and wax

Hans Nowak hans at
Fri Dec 30 23:44:58 EST 2005

iclinux wrote:
> Using py2exe, I can convert a GUI Application with PythonCard to a
> standalone windows program, and it works.
> Then  I try another GUI Toolkit named Wax, implement a GUI App, it
> works. And I convert that app by py2exe. But this time, when run, it
> show a messagebox that says:
> """
> This application requires a version of wxPython greater than or equal
> to 2.6, but a matching version was not found.
> You currently have these version(s) installed:
> Would you like to download a new version of wxPython?
> """
> any suggestion?

I got the same problem.  Apparently the wxversion-related code in 
wax/ that doesn't work well with py2exe.  Try commenting out the 
try..except clause in; this worked for me.  (Of course, I'll 
have to think of a better solution for future releases of Wax...)

Feel free to contact me by private mail if you need more help.


Hans Nowak

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