Dectecting dir changes

chuck cmedcoff at
Sat Dec 10 18:20:25 EST 2005

I do need to stick to FTP though as indicated I could run it on a
different port.  Limit comes more from the client side capabilities.

Did some reading about twisted and I now understand that things in
general are single threaded.

I started working my way through the twisted finger tutorial.  While it
appears that it may be useful for someone writing a new protocol it
doesn't seem to useful for someone just trying to hook into an existing

While I do appreciate the suggestions but I have to say that if the
twisted folks spent half the time writing documentation as they do code
- twisted would probably get used a lot more Python folks.  Didn't get
much encouragement/assistance from the twisted irc channel either.
Perhaps the fella I chatted with hadn't had his coffee yet ;)

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