python coding contest

Remi Villatel maxilys at
Mon Dec 26 21:12:49 EST 2005

Tim Hochberg wrote:

>> I am currently at 39 bytes following the requirements and the 
>> principle given above (my module passes the test). Anyone able to beat 
>> that?

> Wow! It'll be interesting to see how to do that. The obvious way gives 
> 53 bytes. Hmmm, I'll have to see what can be done...

39 bytes... 53 bytes... It gives me the impression to follow a jet plane 
with a bike with my 179 bytes!

There isn't a single superfluous byte. My code is so compressed that the 
syntactic colorizer can't cope any more.

I definitively need a new algorythm. <g>

Remi Villatel
maxilys_ at

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