Bitching about the documentation...

Paul Rubin http
Mon Dec 5 22:16:12 EST 2005

François Pinard <pinard at> writes:
> > Let me repeat this for the umpteenth time: You do not have to learn
> > LaTeX to contribute to docs.  Submit plain text.  One of us with
> > some LaTeX knowledge will do the markup.  Content is the hard part.
> > Markup is nothing, so don't let it be a barrier for you.
> More than LaTeX, the main frozener is when people in charge tell you
> to use bug trackers to speak to them.

More than latex and bug trackers, the main obstacle is that people
wanting better docs want them for the precise reason that the existing
docs don't make it clear what the code does.  Writing a good doc patch
(and the "patches" needed are often sweeping rewrites) requires
studying and understanding the code being documented, and the
application area that the code tries to implement.  Maybe it also
requires studying relevant standards that the code implements (to note
gaps in the implementation), comparing the implementation to other
implementations in other languages, etc.  For example, writing a good
doc patch for urllib2 would mean checking RFC 2616(?) against the
urllib2 code to see what parts of the RFC got implemented and what
parts didn't.  It might also mean comparing urllib2 with other
libraries like LWP (Perl) or whatever the equivalent is in Java.

By the time the requester/patch writer gets through studying the code
to figure out what it does, maybe s/he has answered his/her own
questions and doesn't need docs any more.  The person best qualified
to know what the code does is the code author, who could answer all
the questions immediately.

The solution is clear: the distro maintainers should require that all
code contributions must come with good docs.  When a code submission
comes in, the distro maintainers should critically review the
accompanying docs, note any shortcomings and constructively ask for
improvements from the contributor until the docs are good.  The distro
committers are all very skilled and experienced people.  So there's a
certain amount of mentoring going on whenever a committer works with a
contributor to accept a code patch.  By communicating what it takes to
bring documentation up to snuff, the committers can share their wisdom
with contributors and thereby raise the quality standard of not just
the distro, but also of the whole contributor community.  Passing
skills on to others is after all what being a community is about.
Many of us who have acquired any skill at putting docs together,
acquired them in precisely this fashion, and should try to pass them on.

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