variable declaration

Caleb Hattingh caleb1 at
Tue Feb 8 23:35:34 EST 2005


>   PowerOfGenerator=TakeFromSensor()
>   if PowerOfGenerator>xxx:
>     ....
>   RecalcPower(PowerOfGenerator)
>   PutToTheDatabase(PowerOfGenerator)
>   ....
> Here, python will not help you. The worst thing is that in such  
> calculations
> you often receive plausible results.

(I think PyChecker has come up before, but...) If you like, you could make  
a text-file index of all the variable names allowed in your program, and  
parse all the python code to ensure that only those variable names are  
used.  I believe this would
a) solve your problem
b) require less than a morning's work
c) not force everyone else to have to deal with variable declarations that  
will be only an annoyance 95% percent of the time.

Is there a specific reason you want this added to the *language* itself?


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