Definitive documentation on newstyle classes? (WAS: Pickling and inheritance are making me hurt)

Daniel Bickett dbickett at
Sat Feb 5 19:46:51 EST 2005

I was reading the "Pickling and inheritance are making me hurt"
thread, and the latest suggestion (as of this posting) was to do with
the __setstate__ and __getstate__ methods. They caught my attention
because I hadn't encountered them before, and it reminded me that in
the past I've never been able to very good, definitive documentation
on newstyle classes. Googling for it gives little python tutorials on
various sites, and even searching this newsgroup returns very specific
questions, as a rule.

Alas, the question: Does there exist a page that enumerates all of the
features of the newstyle classes, and explains what they all do? If
so, can anyone provide me with such a link?

Thanks :-)
Daniel Bickett
dbickett at

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