[EVALUATION] - E02 - Support for MinGW Open Source Compiler

Stephen Kellett snail at objmedia.demon.co.uk
Mon Feb 14 13:59:37 EST 2005

In message <1108405269.472669.172070 at o13g2000cwo.googlegroups.com>, Pat 
<pobrien at orbtech.com> writes
>now it feels like I'm in the company of a bunch of hell-bent school

 From my experience of bully behaviour that isn't what is happening here. 
Bullying usually involves abusive behaviour and language and isn't much 
to do with the topic as the person. The responses he has got are to do 
with how he is behaving, not who he is. I haven't seen any abusive 
language. As for behaviour, people are being as blunt with him as he is 
with them. Many have also told him what he should do in order to get a 
better response. He has ignored them.

Many societies around the world shun people that won't fit the norm. The 
norm in the newsgroups he is causing trouble in is that "You look for 
yourself first, do some research, then ask". He isn't even willing to 
use a search engine, let alone read the documentation or heaven forbid, 
read the source code himself. Sooner or later he'll give up, or realise 
that if he does a bit of the work himself he'll get much more back. Its 
up to him.

You'll notice that I've answered your question in another reply as its 
obvious you have put some effort in before making your comments. In 
other words I am not behaving in a contradictory way to what I specified 

Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited    http://www.objmedia.demon.co.uk
RSI Information:        http://www.objmedia.demon.co.uk/rsi.html

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