how to convert 4 bytes into a float ?

Jean-Baptiste PERIN jb_perin at
Tue Feb 8 05:53:12 EST 2005

Alex Martelli a écrit :

> Jean-Baptiste PERIN <jb_perin at> wrote:
>>I read 4 bytes from a binary file.
>>These bytes represent a floating point number (mantisse exponent form)
>>How can I get a float from these bytes ?
> See the docs for module struct, specifically the struct.unpack function,
> if the float is in the binary format your machine expects (or possibly
> that but with the wrong endianity).  If the float's binary format is
> different from what your machine uses, you're in for a lot of painful
> bit-twiddling.
> Alex

I'll have to handle Intel-PC, DEC-VAX and MIPS-SUN/SGI numbers
So I can't escape the painful bit-twiddling

Anyway, struct.unpack will undoubtedly be an incredibly valuable help

thank you very very very much ..


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