What's so funny? WAS Re: rotor replacement

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at pythonware.com
Tue Jan 25 02:51:21 EST 2005

Terry Hancock wrote:

> And, well, I'm sorry Mr. Lundh, but your PIL module actually is something
> of a pain to install still.  The OP is right about that.  Usually worth it, but I don't
> like the fact that that pain is being passed on to the end-user of my software.
> The fact that you got all snide and refused to work with me when I asked
> for a copy of the autoconf sources to try to fix the problem didn't make me
> too happy, either.

ah, you're the guy who flamed me and called me names because PIL didn't
fit some hypothetical GNU-inspired definition of "open source software."  it's
always sad when people have to attack those who don't share their religion,
but it's not that much I can do about that.

>  So, naturally, I just dropped it.

which means that you have no idea how easy or hard it is to install PIL today
(hint: things have changed)


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