Frameworks for "Non-Content Oriented Web Apps"

Robert Brewer fumanchu at
Sun Jan 2 16:34:47 EST 2005

mirnazim at wrote:
> Let me make an attemp at defining "Non-Content
> Oriented Web Applications".
> A "Non-Content Oriented Web Application":
> (1) will be accessed from web browser(obviously).

Clear enough.

> (2) will be developed using 'W3C' and other open
> standards(STRICTLY, to ensure compatibility and
> portablity).

This is getting better IMO. But we're still at the point where exclusively following open standards ensures in-compatibility and non-portability. Meh.

> (3) will expose some kind of functionality to the user,
> not just some document to read.

If I were to rephrase that, I would say "serves dynamic pages" as opposed to "static".

> (4) functionality can be very simple to very complex.

Which usually means a multitude of tools, depending on "how complex".

The big issue with leaving this question so generic is that the answers are legion. So I'll just keep it short and make my own shameless plug: try Cation for the Web interface and Dejavu for the data layer, both developed by yours truly. ;) or...


Robert Brewer
Amor Ministries
fumanchu at

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