Python evolution: Unease
Iwan van der Kleyn
none at
Tue Jan 4 02:48:25 EST 2005
Please ignore if you are allergic to ramblings :-)
Despite a puritan streak I've always tried to refrain from language wars
or syntax bickering; call it enforced pragmatism. That's the main reason
why I've liked Python: it's elegant and simple and still dynamic and
flexible. You could do worse for a clean and pragmatic language.
I do know my Smaltalk from my Common Lisp and my Ruby from my C#, so I
think I'm quite capable of escaping the "Blub paradox" I do miss some slick features in
Python. But the nice thing about Python is that in those cases I can use
its dynamism to implement it myself (and usually somebody else has done
it for me, of course).
In the end I'm not a language guru nor a framework wizard, but a mere
mortal who designs and writes programs for end-users. For that task I
need: a better standard ide, an integrated db interface with a proper
set of db drivers (!!), a better debugger, a standard widget/windows
toolkit, something akin to a standard for web programming, better
documentation, a standard lib which is better organized, a formalized
set of protocols and patterns for program construction. And an
interpreter which is fast enough to avoid using C or Pyrex in most
obvious cases.
Many will say that Van Rossum's brainstorms/proposals as depicted in
will help in the above mentioned. And I'm certainly not against Optional
ype checking.
But I see little to no efforts from the core python team to address my
needs as listed above. They seem mainly to focus on the core attributes
and syntax of the language. Very little or no efforts are taken to
improve the infrastructure around the language.
And then I read the following sentence by Van Rossum:
"In order to make type inferencing a little more useful, I'd like to
restrict certain forms of extreme dynamic behavior in Python"
In the end, it's mindset which counts. And I think that mindset is going
to be determine the way foreward for Python: more features, increased
complexity, less dynamism. Lots of syntax crud, without addressing the
need to improve the infrastructure around the language.
In short: I symphatize Patrick Logan's feeling:
Iwan van der Kleyn
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