PyChecker messages

Frans Englich frans.englich at
Tue Jan 11 01:54:54 EST 2005


I take PyChecker partly as an recommender of good coding practice, but I 
cannot make sense of some of the messages. For example: Function (main) has too many lines (201)

What does this mean? Cannot functions be large? Or is it simply an advice that 
functions should be small and simple? Function (detectMimeType) has too many returns (11)

The function is simply a long "else-if" clause, branching out to different 
return statements. What's wrong? It's simply a "probably ugly code" advice?

A common message is these: Parameter (frame) not used

But I'm wondering if there's cases where this cannot be avoided. For example, 
this signal handler:

def signalSilencer( signal, frame ):
    Dummy signal handler for avoiding ugly
    tracebacks when the user presses CTRL+C.
    print "Received signal", str(signal) + ", exiting."

_must_ take two arguments; is there any way that I can make 'frame' go away?

Also, another newbie question: How does one make a string stretch over several 
lines in the source code? Is this the proper way?

print "asda asda asda asda asda asda " \
	"asda asda asda asda asda asda " \
	"asda asda asda asda asda asda"

Thanks in advance,


PS. Any idea how to convert any common time type to W3C XML Schema datatype 

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