_Re Pre/Postconditions with decorators
rittersporn at gmail.com
Fri Jan 7 06:09:43 EST 2005
# Google-News won't let be post a follow-up right now!
# Google-Beta-News destroys the formatting :-(
# So I'll start a new thread.
Hi Stephen
I have not read anything about the
"framehack lambda replacement" yet,
but I do compile the pre- and
postconditions. Syntax erros e.g.
will be raised if the module
is compiled. Although I must admit
that your code snippets look more like
compiled code ;-)
Hi Robert
thanks for the link to the Ian Bicking blog.
Hi George,
it would be nice to see how you have tackled
the task.
Maybe we will have a checker
module in Python one day... ;-)
Well, I have attached my latest attempt
to model pre/postconditions (without "framehack
lambda replacement") which does wrap the
original function with a class which delegates
attribute access. Now I can split my
"condition" into pre- and postcondition
and the "tracer" prints the original
function name.
I have also fixed a bug
with keyword arguments.
Major difference compared to
other examples is probably
only that I can refer to function
arguments by name:
class Delegate(object):
def __init__(self,function):
def __getattr__(self,key):
return getattr(self.function,key)
def condition(pretext,posttext=""):
precode=compile(pretext or "True","","eval")
postcode=compile(posttext or "True","","eval")
# function -> decorated(function)
def decorate_condition(function):
class EvalCond(Delegate):
def __call__(self,*args,**kargs):
# FIXME: check if "var" always contains ordered list of arguments
# map arguments and
args_seq=[(argname,args[pos]) for pos,argname in \
enumerate(var) if (argname not in kargs)]
# key-arguments to value
kargs_seq=[(k,v) for k,v in kargs.iteritems()]
# precondition
assert eval(precode,{},dict(environment)),pretext
# postcondition
assert eval(postcode,{},dict(environment2)),posttext
return tmp
return EvalCond(function)
return decorate_condition
def trace(function):
class Trace(Delegate):
def __call__(self,*args,**kargs):
print "enter function %s with " % \
print "leave function %s with " % \
return result
return Trace(function)
def precondition(prgtext):
return condition(prgtext)
def postcondition(prgtext):
return condition("",prgtext)
@precondition("number>0 and number<2")
def sqrt(number):
import math
return math.sqrt(number)
@precondition("len(seq)>0 is not None and str(more)")
def my_sum(seq,more):
for element in seq:
return tmp
print sqrt(1.2)
print my_sum([1,2,3],more="more")
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