How do I make Windows Application with Python ?

Christopher De Vries devries at
Mon Jan 3 20:50:46 EST 2005

There are several GUI toolkits for python. Tkinter comes with python,
but wxPython, a binding to wxWindows is popular, as is pyQT, and pyGTK.
You can also build native win32 GUIs using PythonWin, part of win32all.
A more complete list of options is available here: .

I have heard a couple good things about Boa Constructor
( as an IDE. It includes a GUI
designer. I have not used it though. Stand alone GUI designers such as
wxGlade ( are available as well.

As far as packaging the application for use on computers where python
is not installed. If you are distributing to windows computers you can
use py2exe to make a windows executable from a python program. It will
include dlls you need to distribute with your program. cx_Freeze and
Gordon McMillan's Installer also can create windows executable files.

Good luck... and be sure to read through the online tutorials and
wikis, there is a wealth of information out there. A book isn't a bad
investment either, I always feel better with a good reference book
around. Python in a nutshell is a good reference book, while Learning
Python gives you a good introduction to the language.


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