re Insanity

Duncan Booth duncan.booth at invalid.invalid
Sat Jan 22 06:17:09 EST 2005

Tim Daneliuk wrote:

> I tried this:
>      y=re.compile(r'\[PROMPT:.*\]')
> Which works fine when the text is exactly "[PROMPT:whatever]" but
> does not match on:
>     "something [PROMPT:foo] something [PROMPT:bar] something ..."
> The overall goal is to identify the beginning and end of each [PROMPT...]
> string in the line.

The answer sort of depends on exactly what can be in your optional text:

>>> import re
>>> s =  "something [PROMPT:foo] something [PROMPT:bar] something ..."
>>> y=re.compile(r'\[PROMPT:.*\]')
>>> y.findall(s)
['[PROMPT:foo] something [PROMPT:bar]']
>>> y=re.compile(r'\[PROMPT:.*?\]')
>>> y.findall(s)
['[PROMPT:foo]', '[PROMPT:bar]']
>>> y=re.compile(r'\[PROMPT:[^]]*\]')
>>> y.findall(s)
['[PROMPT:foo]', '[PROMPT:bar]']

.* will match as long a string as possible.

.*? will match as short a string as possible. By default this won't match 
any newlines.

[^]]* will match as long a string that doesn't contain ']' as possible. 
This will match newlines.

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