Powerful CGI libraries for Python?

Thomas Guettler guettli at thomas-guettler.de
Mon Jan 10 08:24:41 EST 2005

Am Mon, 10 Jan 2005 10:11:16 +0800 schrieb sam:

> Hi,
> I m looking for a CGI libraries just  like perl's CGI.pm for Python.
>  From google, I found quite a few of CGI libraries already written for 
> python. But I haven't had experience to try any of them in Python.
> Can anyone share your Python CGI experience with me? Which library is 
> better in terms of functionality and stability?


in the standard library there is cgi and cgitb. If you just want to
write a small cgi script, both modules should be all you need.

I found quixote simple and easy to learn. Quixote 1.x is quite stable.
The version I use is more then six months old, and there is no need to

Take a look at:


Thomas Güttler, http://www.thomas-guettler.de/

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