python intergration bus ?

Jaco Smuts jaco.smuts at
Wed Jan 5 01:28:02 EST 2005

Tonino wrote:

>Just an interested question - I friend is testing a few JAVA
>intergration bus's that will be used to intergrate his companies
>services - I was wondering if there was a python intergration bus ?
>other than maybe Pyro ?
Hello Tonino

There is a Python module ( for 
Spread  ( ) that is worth looking at.

There is also some work on a rpc module using spread., never worked with this one 

There is a great module for IBM's websphere mq, pymqi ( by L Smithson. This obviously depends on 
using the Commercial websphere MQ product though.

If web services are an option you can also have a look at

Clarence (

and / or

I've previously stumbled accross some others at sourceforge, but this 
should get you started.


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