Python evolution: Unease

alex23 wuwei23 at
Tue Jan 4 22:30:42 EST 2005

Paul Rubin wrote:
> The Python advocates who claim that Python is well-documented and
> exception to when someone say it isn't.  Their idea of "it's
> well-documented" seems to be "if there's parts that you think are
> poorly documented, feel free to document it".  What kind of nonsense
> is that?

It's called "having an opinion". "Good" documentation does its job, if
noone else thought it was poorly documented then to them it wasn't.

The only person who knows how the current documentation is
unsatisfactory to you is *you*.

The mistake being made here by the OS community is the assumption,
based on their own personal experiences, that others will take the
absence of something as a challenge to fill it themselves, serving the
dual role of obtaining what they need for their own purposes AND
providing it for the purposes of others. It's a mistaken assumption
because for most people it's easier to gripe that someone else, oh
let's say "advocates", should be doing it for you.

> "Python code runs just as fast as C code.  If you think it's
> slower, feel free to speed it up".

The objective, qualifiable speed of Python has *what* exactly to do
with the subjective, interprative assessment of the Python

> "Python's standard library includes a database module.  If it isn't
> feel free to add one".

Which part of the open source movement do you just not get?

> "Programming in Python cures cancer.  If your cancer doesn't clear up
> when you code in Python, feel free to submit a patch".

Wow, you quickly ran out of points of blind Pythonic advocation, didn't

> Software advocacy, which Python has an awful lot of, [...]

Unjustifiable claims, which your postings have an awful lot of...see
how easy it is to characterise someones position in the negative? See
how pointless it is for useful dialogue?

You've done nothing but kvetch about how others aren't providing you
with what you need. Let's face it, people like you are never going to
take the initiative  and actually contribute something when you're
already quite comfortable sponging off the efforts of others and hiding
behind claims of advocacy whenever anyone questions your own
In short: grow up and just write the damn documentation.

- alex23 -

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