RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration

Batista, Facundo FBatista at
Thu Jan 20 07:28:41 EST 2005

[Robert Brewer]

#- > >>> [e for e in vars()]
#- > Traceback (most recent call last):
#- >   File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
#- > RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
#- > >>> e = None
#- > >>> [e for e in vars()]
#- > ['e', '__builtins__', 'rlcompleter', '__file__', '_[1]', 
#- > 'atexit', '__name__',
#- > 'readline', '__doc__']
#- But not unexpected, since vars() returns a dictionary, and 
#- binding 'e'
#- changes that dictionary while you are iterating over it. Try either:

For me, the point is: vars() returns the local variables as a list or is a

In the docs don't say nothing about this.

If it returns a list, it should NOT raise an error; if it's a generator, the
error is fine.

.    Facundo

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