[ANN] PyScript 0.5 released
Claudio Grondi
claudio.grondi at freenet.de
Fri Jan 21 03:18:02 EST 2005
shows the date of release of pyscript-0.5 as:
2004-05-11 07:00
What is then the reason for this [ANN] ?
"Paul Cochrane" <cochrane at physics.uq.edu.au> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
news:61de6b8e.0501201943.3cbc9ec3 at posting.google.com...
> PyScript is a python module for producing high quality postscript
> graphics. Rather than use a GUI to draw a picture, the picture is
> programmed using python and the PyScript objects.
> Some of the key features are:
> * All scripting is done in python, which is a high level, easy to
> learn, well developed scripting language.
> * All the objects can be translated, scaled, rotated, ... in fact
> any affine transformation.
> * Plain text is automatically kerned.
> * You can place abritrary LaTeX expressions on your figures.
> * You can create your own figure objects, and develop a library of
> figure primitives.
> * Output is publication quality.
> LICENSE: Released under the GPL
> The major change in this release is a complete rewrite of the Path
> object. The internals have completely changed and there have been
> some incompatible changes with previous versions but it's now much
> closer to what was envisaged for the object. There have also been
> many bug fixes and minor other improvements. For details see the
> PyScript web page:
> <a href="http://pyscript.sourceforge.net">pyscript.sourceforge.net</a>.
> <P><A HREF="http://pyscript.sourceforge.net">PyScript 0.5</A> - a
> python module for producing high quality postscript graphics; rather
> than use a GUI to draw a picture, the picture is programmed using
> python and the pyscript objects. (10-Jan-05)
> --
> paultcochrane at users.sourceforge.net
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