how to print unicode structures?

Serge Orlov Serge.Orlov at
Mon Jan 17 03:56:59 EST 2005

Timothy Babytch wrote:
> Imagine you have some list that looks like
> ('unicode', 'not-acii', 'russian') and contains characters not from
> acsii. or list of dicts, or dict of dicts.
> how can I print it? not on by one, with "for" - but with just a simple
> print? My debugging would be MUCH simpler.

I think the best (in terms of time) way to do it is to copy
to and hack it.

> Now when I try print or pprint that variable I get a page full of
> '\xe4\xeb\xa2\xa0\xe6\xe3\xaa\xe6\xe3\xaa' and so on.

It looks like bytes, you should get rid of them as soon as possible. If you're not looking for speed hacks, as a rule of thumb you 
should convert bytes to unicode characters as soon as possible. When I try to print Russian characters I get unicode escapes (\u) 
not byte escapes (\x) like you:
>>> print unicode([u'ÁÂ×'])


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