Securing a future for anonymous functions in Python

Simo Melenius firstname.lastname at
Sat Jan 1 16:35:34 EST 2005

Doug Holton <a at b.c> writes:

> Steven Bethard wrote:
> > Simo Melenius wrote:
> >> map (def x:

Oops, I found a typo alreay. I meant to write "def (x):" -- no name
for anonymous functions but just the argument list, please :)

> Right the comma plus other things make this difficult for a parser to
> handle correctly.  Other people have already come up with working

It is difficult since in Python we don't enjoy the ugly luxury of
stuffing statements inside {}s. But as Bengt pointed out, parentheses
don't actually look bad at all in this case.

> Then the multi-line way.  I had to add an overload of map to support
> reversing the order of parameters (list first, then the closure):
> newlist = map([1,2,3,4,5,6]) def (x as int):
>       return x*x*x

That doesn't seem to scale if you want to pass more than one anonymous
function arguments to the function or call an arbitrary function with
parameters in arbitrary order.


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