PyGTK or wxPython (not a flame war) on Windows

Peter Decker pydecker at
Sun Jul 24 21:21:32 EDT 2005

On 7/24/05, Torsten Bronger <bronger at> wrote:

> Is PyGTK more Pythonic by the way?  I had a look at wxPython
> yesterday and didn't like that it has been brought into the Python
> world nearly unchanged.  You can see its non-Python origin clearly.
> How does PyGTK feel in this respect?

There are several projects that have as their goal to wrap wxPython
and make it more Pythonic. IMO, the best choice now is Dabo, which is
being actively developed and improved. There is also Wax, which I got
interested a while ago, but it seems to be the work of a single author
who only works on it when he has a personal need.

I've been doing some development work in Dabo, even though I don't
currently need their database integration. The UI layer is very
Pythonic, and I much prefer writing code in Dabo than plain wxPython.

# p.d.

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