baffling error-handling problem

Scott David Daniels Scott.Daniels at Acm.Org
Thu Jul 28 12:11:02 EDT 2005

Chris Fonnesbeck wrote:
> I thought I knew how to do error handling in python, but apparently I
> dont. I have a bunch of code to calculate statistical likelihoods, and
> use error handling to catch invalid parameters. For example, for the
> bernoulli distribution, I have:
>     def bernoulli_like(self, x, p, name='bernoulli'):
>         ... if sum(p>=1 or p<=0): raise LikelihoodError ...
> where LikelihoodError is simply a subclass of ValueError that I created:
>     class LikelihoodError(ValueError):
>         "Log-likelihood is invalid or negative infinite"
> I catch these errors with the following:
>         try: like = self.calculate_likelihood()
>         except LikelihoodError:
>             return 0
 > ... [when using] ...
>      like=self.bernoulli_like(x,p)
> I get the following when an invalid parameter is passed:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "...\", line 381, in ?
>     model.sample(iterations=iter, burn=burn,plot=False)
>   File "...\PyMC\", line 1691, in sample
>     self._like = self.calculate_likelihood()
>   File "...\", line 194, in calculate_likelihood
>     like+=self.bernoulli_like(x,p)
>   File "...\", line 868, in bernoulli_like
>     if sum(p>=1 or p<=0): raise LikelihoodError
> LikelihoodError
> I have no idea how this can happen, given how I have coded this.

Might you be referring to a different LikelihoodError in the
   try: ... except ... part of your code than in the ... raise ... part?
Similarly defined classes are not the same class.  If you didn't
get LikelihoodError in with the moral equivalent of
      from MCMC import LikelihoodError
then this is what is going wrong.
By the way, if it were I, I'd:    raise LikelihoodError(p)  just so I
could discover a bit of what went wrong.

--Scott David Daniels
Scott.Daniels at Acm.Org

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