set and frozenset unit tests?

Reinhold Birkenfeld reinhold-birkenfeld-nospam at
Tue Jul 12 03:45:14 EDT 2005

Jacob Page wrote:
> I have released interval-0.2.1 at 
>  IntervalSet and 
> FrozenIntervalSet objects are now (as far as I can tell) functionality 
> equivalent to set and frozenset objects, except they can contain 
> intervals as well as discrete values.
> Though I have my own unit tests for verifying this claim, I'd like to 
> run my code through actual set and frozenset unit tests.  Does any such 
> code exist?  Is it in pure Python?  If so, where can it be obtained?
> Oh, and again, I'd really appreciate additional feedback on the module, 
> especially related to design, if you've got any.  My goal for this 
> project is to make the classes built-in-data-type quality.

Look at /usr/lib/python2.x/test/ (on unix platforms).


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