OO design
Caleb Hattingh
caleb1 at telkomsa.net
Tue Jul 19 17:23:06 EDT 2005
> 1. get arbitrary numerical data (typically large data sets in columnar
> format or even via COM from other packages. I generally have to deal with
> one or more sets of X,Y data)
> 2. manipulate the data (scaling, least squares fitting, means, peaks,
> add/subtract one XY set from another etc)
> 3. plot data (original set, results of manipulation, scatterplot,
> histograms
> etc - I use matplotlib)
Matplotlib is really coming on. I still use gnuplot out of familiarity
(and features, to be sure) but one of these days I'm going to spend a bit
of time on Matplotlib.
> 4. export data (print, csv, shelve)
I do very much the same kind of work with python. I write mostly in
Delphi at work, but for processing stuff like this, I always use python
when the dataset is not too big and the processing of the data is not too
expensive. Despite the awesome Delphi IDE, python with a text editor is
*still* more productive (for *me*) in jobs like this.
> I have no problem writing bits of functional code to do any of the above.
> But for the life of me I can't see how I can hook them altogether in an
> OO
> based framework that I can build and extend (with more data formats,
> manipulations, GUI etc).
To be honest, I am probably a poor source of advice here because I think I
tend to overuse the class paradigm when often a more sensible approach
would be a top-down strategy. I just tend to think in terms of objects,
for better or worse. At least python's class declarations are not
expensive in terms of setting up, so I tell myself it's ok.
Lets look at what you suggested:
> class XY:
> def read_file
> def scale_data
> def plot_data
> def shelve_data
This is exactly the kind of thing I do as well, but maybe separate the
dataset from the processing (and put the classes into separate files, if
you prefer - I find the "one class per file" idea easier to manage in my
editor , Vim)
class XYpoint(object):
def __init__(self,x=0,y=0):
self.x = x
self.y = y
class Dataset(object):
def __init__(self):
self.data = [] # Will be a list of XYpoint objects - probably filled in
with Gather?
def Gather(self,source):
pass # You fill this in, using source as you prefer
def Scale(self,factorX,factorY): # Filled out with example implementation
for i in range(len(self.data)):
self.data[i].x = self.data[i].x * factorX
self.data[i].y = self.data[i].y * factorY
def Plot(self):
pass # Do what you gotta do
def Shelve(self):
pass # Do what you gotta do
class MultipleDatasets(object):
def __init__(self):
self.datasets = [] # Will be a list of dataset objects, which you must
def PlotAll(self):
for i in self.datasets:
i.Plot # How to plot all your datasets, for example
[FWIW - This is how I write all my python programs - very very naively and
simply. I just cannot remember all the fancy things enough to use when I
need to get something done. This is the kind of simple syntax that lured
me to python in the first place, and I have a disconcerting feeling about
all the "advanced" features for "master" programmers creeping into the
language lately, or at least getting discussed - I don't think I am smart
enough to absorb it all - CS isn't my area]
> But somehow that doesn't feel right, especially when I expect the number
> of
> methods will grow and grow, which would make the class very unwieldy.
I would be interested to know if you think what I wrote "feels" right to
you or not - It certainly feels "right" to me, but then that is hardly
surprising. In any case, what I presented almost exactly fits how I
"think" about the problem, and that is what I want.
> bwaha.
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