mod_python Apache/2.0.52 (Win32) Python 2.4

Luis M. Gonzalez luismgz at
Wed Jul 20 17:55:50 EDT 2005

Dieter Raber wrote:
> Hi there,
> I am wondering if there is a mod_python for the above configuration. I
> downloaded mod_python-3.1.3.win32-py2.3.exe, which of course as the
> name implies keeps on asking me for a python 2.3 installation. I
> imagine one could cheat a little bit with a fake registry entry that
> says it was about python 2.3 but that points to python 2.4. Then again
> I don't know what entry mod_python's installer is looking for.
> Thanks for your help
> Dieter

Hi there,
A couple of months ago, I went though the hassle of trying to install
mod_python and unfortunately, there is no easy way of doing it
separately, because you have to take care about each component's
version, that should match the other component's one...
If you one to do it all at once and get it working, try Apache2Triad:

This is a package inspired in EasyPhp and PhpTriad and. It installs all
the required software (plus a lot of other programs - check the
website). It is aimed at webdevelopers who don't want to deal with
individual instalations or configurations.
The only downside is that it will install many programs that you are
probably not interested in... but you might like it.


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