Fire event when variable is Set/Get

Robert Kern rkern at
Sun Jul 24 23:48:34 EDT 2005

VarghjÀrta wrote:
> Hey!
> I'm a hobby programmer since many years now and I've done most of my
> latest 'real application' coding in C#. I've played with python of and
> on yet not catching on until a few months ago when I got myself hocked
> on it for real and now I love C# _and_ Python.
> But there is something that keeps bugging me, and that keeps me from
> embracing Python even more as a serious alternative to C#(for me). In
> C# I make heavy use of Get & Set, mainly to fire an event that some
> property has changed so that one can act on that _if one would need
> to. I've grown very used to doing it and it feels like the best way to
> make very OO and reusuable and easy to use Classes.
> Is there _anything_ that I could do in Python which would allow me to
> known when a variable has been set or when it's being fetched to allow
> me to fire an event there?.

There's Enthought's Traits.

I don't think it handles the Get part, though. You could probably come 
up with something using __getattribute__ for that part.

Robert Kern
rkern at

"In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
  Are the graves of dreams allowed to die."
   -- Richard Harter

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