What's wrong with this code?

Nathan Pinno falcon3166 at hotmail.com
Sun Jul 3 02:37:36 EDT 2005

  Hi all,

  Sure I'm able to publish the code, only the previous version though. If
you want the first version; find Josh Cogliati, and ask him. It didn't have
a random function, though. I got the idea to improve it from my computer

  Here is the code:

  #Plays the guessing game higher or lower
  # (originally written by by Josh Cogliati, improved by Quique)

  #This should actually be something that is semi random like the last
digits of the time or something else.
  number = 78
  guess = 0

  while guess != number:
      guess =input("Guess a number: ")

      if guess > number:
          print "Too high"

     elif guess < number:
          print "Too low"

  print "Just right"

  Nathan Pinno

  "John Machin" <sjmachin at lexicon.net> wrote in message
news:42C72848.9020609 at lexicon.net...
  > Nathan Pinno wrote:
  > >   Hi all,
  > >
  > >   What's wrong with the following code? It says there is name error,
  > > random is not defined. How do I fix it?
  > Others have already answered that question. This posting is a
  > pre-emptive strike to head off the next half-a-dozen questions.
  > >
  > >   # Plays the guessing game higher or lower.
  > >   # Originally written by Josh Cogliati, improved first by Quique,
then by
  > > Nathan Pinno.
  > Some of us are interested in the process by which great pieces of code
  > arise, how they are meticulously honed and polished, which craftpersons
  > contributed what ... is it possible for you to publish the earlier
  > >   print "Higher or Lower"
  > >   print
  > >   number = random.choice(range(100))
  > "number" will refer to one of: 0, 1, ......, 98, 99
  > >   guess = 0
  > so you'll get a strange result by using zero here; try -1 instead
  > >   while guess != number:
  > >       guess = input("Guess a number: ")
  > "guess" will refer to a string e.g. "42" which will *not* compare equal
  > to the integer 42. Also you should use raw_input, not input.
  > so do this:
  > guess = int(raw_input("Guess a number: "))
  > >       if guess > number:
  > >           print "Too high"
  > >           guess = input("Guess a number: ")
  > This will cause your program to ask TWICE per trip around the loop. Lose
  > >       elif guess < number:
  > >           print "Too low"
  > >           guess = input("Guess a number: ")
  > ... and again.
  > >   print "Just right"
  > >
  > General advice:
  > 1. Look on the Python web site (http://www.python.org) for an
  > introduction to Python for non-programmers.
  > 2. Join the Python tutor list.
  > 3. In this news group, read a little more than the threads that you have
  >   started; this guessing game was discussed in a thread started by
  > somebody calling themselves ChuckDubya on 29 June!! Homework??
  > HTH,
  > John


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