PEP on path module for standard library
Reinhold Birkenfeld
reinhold-birkenfeld-nospam at
Sat Jul 30 08:43:27 EDT 2005
Mike Orr wrote:
> The main changes I'd like to see in Path (some of these have been made
> in Python CVS at nondist/sandbox/path/ are:
Thanks for the comments! They are greatly appreciated.
> - When methods create path objects, use self.__class__() instead of
> Path().
> This makes it possible to subclass Path. Otherwise you
> have to rewrite the whole thing due to the hardcoded name.
> - Path.cwd() should be a class method instead of a static method, for
> the same
> reason.
Changed by now.
> - The constructor behavior in CVS is good. Path(''), Path.cwd(),
> Path() => Path.cwd().
Note that Path() results in os.curdir, while Path.cwd() results in the
absolute current directory.
> - Need .chdir() method, otherwise you have to import os for it.
Added by now.
> - Some way to pretty-print paths embedded in lists/dicts as strings. I
> have a
> .repr_as_str class attribute that toggles this.
I think str() does its job nicely there.
> - .ancestor(3) is the same as .parent.parent.parent, but more concise.
Good proposal, will consider this.
> - I saw in a thread that .name and .parent were removed. I use them
> very
> frequently, along with .ext and .namebase. I don't want to call
> methods for
> these.
They are now named .basename and .directory.
> - '/' vs .joinpath(), no big deal. I've been using '/' because it's
> there.
> .joinpath must take multiple *args, to prevent .joinpath().joinpath()
> .
That's already in.
> - .joinancestor(N, *components) is a combination of .ancestor and
> .joinpath.
> If curdir is /home/joe/Webware/www, Path.cwd().joinancestor(1, 'lib')
> is
> /home/joe/Webware/lib.
I think Path.cwd().parent.joinwith('lib') is readable enough.
> - Keep .lisdir() as in CVS; it acts like os.listdir(). This is useful
> even
> with paths, when you're just going to use the string basename anyway.
Right. In addition, it's confusing if os.listdir is behaving differently
from Path.listdir().
> - Who needs .open()? open(myPath) is fine. But it can stay for
> backward
> compatibility.
Right. I think it's nice for people who like a more OO approach.
> Less important but non-controversial:
> - Path.tempfile(), Path.tempdir():
> Create a temporary file using tempfile.mkstemp, tempfile.mkdtemp
> - Path.tempfileobject():
> Create a temporary file object using tempfile.TemporaryFile.
> (Static method.)
Don't know whether these belong here. They are all not acting upon the
path, but create the file/dir at another location.
> Controversial:
> - Delete methods and mkdir should succeed silently if the operation is
> already done. Otherwise you always have to put them in an if:
> 'if foo.exists(): foo.remove()'.
That's a good thing. The delete methods shouldn't act any different from
the corresponding os functions.
> - .delete_dammit() recursively deletes it, whatever it is, without you
> having to do the if file/if directory dance. I suppose it would need
> a
> politically correct name.
> which you really have to do every time you delete.
*grin* Any naming suggestions?
> - All .dirs*, .files*, .walk* methods have a symlinks flag, default
> True.
> If false, don't yield symlinks. Add .symlinks and .walksymlinks
> methods.
> This eliminates an 'if' for programs that want to treat symlinks
> specially.
Sounds good. Will see.
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