Set/Get attribute syntatic sugar

Gary Wilson Jr gdub at
Tue Jun 28 18:05:20 EDT 2005

Заур Шибзухов wrote:
> There is a syntactic sugar for item access in
> dictionaries and sequences:
> o[e] = v <-> o.__setitem__(e, v)
> o[e] <-> o.__getitem__(e)
> where e is an expression.
> There is no similar way for set/get attribute for objects.
> If e is a given name, then 
> o.e = v <-> o.__setattr__(e, v)
> o.e <-> o.__getattr__(e)
> Anybody thought about this issue?

How about inheriting the dict class, something like this...

>>> class C(dict):
...     pass
>>> e = 'myAttribute'
>>> v = 'syntactic sugar'
>>> o = C()
>>> o[e] = v
>>> o[e]
'syntactic sugar'

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