Using PAMIE to upload and download it possible?

calfdog at calfdog at
Thu Jun 23 12:16:45 EDT 2005

If you go into the PAMIE users group
and go to the files Section you will see this will handles Uploads, pop-ups, alerts using

PAMIE will include this feature in the next release


scrimp wrote:
> Well, thanx to Erin I got everything I needed to do to work.
> I basically used 2 classes and wrote a driver using PAMIE
> 1 for the two File Download windows and 1 for the Save As window
> Here are the classes I used. I took out the comments, but its really
> not too hard to understand
> class FileDownloadDialog (threading.Thread):
>    def __init__(self):
>       threading.Thread.__init__(self)
>       self.windowName = "File Download"
>       self.hwnd = None
>    def fetchWindows (self,attempts=20):
>       tries = 0
>       while tries<attempts:
>          tries = tries + 1
>          try:
>             self.hwnd = winGuiAuto.findTopWindows(self.windowName)
>             return
>          except:
>             print 'Checking for window named "'+ self.windowName + '"',
>             print 'Attempt #',tries
>             time.sleep(1)
>    def run (self):
>       self.fetchWindows()
>       oButton = []
>       for hw in self.hwnd:
>           tButton = winGuiAuto.findControls(hw,"&Save","Button")
>           if len(tButton) <> 0:
>               wHwnd = hw
>       self.hwnd = wHwnd
>       oButtons = winGuiAuto.findControls(self.hwnd,"&Save","Button")
>       time.sleep(0.5)
>       for oButton in oButtons:
>          winGuiAuto.clickButton(oButton)
> Heres the 2nd class I used
> class SaveAsZipDialog (threading.Thread):
>     def __init__(self, docPath):
>         threading.Thread.__init__(self)
>         self.windowName = "Save As"
>         self.hwnd = None
>         self.document = docPath
>     def fetchWindow (self,attempts=20):
>         tries = 0
>         while tries < attempts:
>             tries = tries + 1
>             try:
>                 self.hwnd = winGuiAuto.findTopWindow(self.windowName)
>                 return
>             except:
>                 print 'Checking for window named "'+ self.windowName +
> '"',
>                 print 'Attempt ',tries
>                 time.sleep(1)
>     def run (self):
>         self.fetchWindow()
>         fText = winGuiAuto.findControl(self.hwnd, None, "Edit")
>         winGuiAuto.setEditText(fText,self.document)
>         oButtons = winGuiAuto.findControls(self.hwnd,"Save")
>         time.sleep(0.5)
>         for oButton in oButtons:
>            winGuiAuto.clickButton(oButton)
> I used PAMIE to get me through the web stuff and when it clicked on the
> link to download the zip file I wanted these two classes would kick in
> and take over from there. If anyone needs help feel free to email me or
> post up on here. Thanks again Erin!
> --Barry

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