Frame widget (title and geometry)
Shankar Iyer (siyer@Princeton.EDU)
siyer at Princeton.EDU
Fri Jun 24 14:45:21 EDT 2005
Here is an example of what I tried to do:
from Tkinter import *
import classtitle
import classtitle2
BLUE1 = '#7080B0'
RED1 = '#B08080'
class Master(Frame):
def createWidgets(self):
self.FrameOne = Frame(self)
self.FrameOne.grid(sticky = NW)
self.FrameOne["background"] = BLUE1
self.FrameOneClassInstance = classtitle.constructor(self.FrameOne)
self.FrameTwo = Frame(self)
self.FrameTwo.grid(sticky = SW)
self.FrameTwo["background"] = RED1
self.FrameTwoClassInstance = classtitle2.constructor(self.FrameTwo)
def __init__(self,master = None):
app = Master()
The constructor methods in the two classes call, for example, self.FrameOne.geometry or self.FrameTwo.title and then I get errors which claim that these attributes do not exist. I do think, however, that the Frame widget is what I want to use. I want to partition my root window into several smaller sections.
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