Thoughts on Guido's ITC audio interview
Scott David Daniels
Scott.Daniels at Acm.Org
Sun Jun 26 13:58:48 EDT 2005
Dave Benjamin wrote:
> ...
> I think Python's decision to use reference counting was an instance of
> worse-is-better: at the time, reference counting was already known not to be
> "the right thing", but it worked, and the implementation was simple.
> Likewise with dynamic typing versus type inference. It seems that Guido
> shares Alan Kay's viewpoint that type inference is really "the right thing",
> but modern language technology is really not ready to make it mainstream,
> whereas dynamic typing works today, and is arguably a better "worse"
> solution than explicit/manifest static typing due to its verbosity.
> From the perspective of writing C extensions, Guido claims that the amount
> of pain (regarding memory management) is about the same whether you're
> extending a reference-counted language like CPython or a garbage collected
> language like Java. Anyone with experience writing C extensions want to
> comment on this?
This is probably true for extensions written from scratch. From the
point of view of connecting an existing block of code, Python made a
great choice. If allocated memory doesn't need to move, and the garbage
collector needn't get to _all_ the references in the system, the
extension can make blocks of memory and include references to it in
their own code, in their own format. They simply need to hold the
objects in a Python-visible way. If the memory system needs to move
allocated blocks, many data structures lose their efficiency in a
haze of either adjusting and identifying references or indirection
through piles of tables. One of the hard problems of talking "cross-
language" has to do with "who is in charge of memory."
Lots of languages are happy to allow interaction with another language
as long as the other language is restricted to writing subroutines
fitting the model of "the language really in charge." The fights are
usually about memory allocation, non-standard flow of control, and
intermediate data structures. C is easy to talk to because it was
conceived as a "portable assembly language". Only straight assembler
is easier to write language extensions in, because only assembly has
less of a preconception of how memory is used and what code is and is
not allowed to do. If you want to know pure hell, try to write a
program that has significant code in both Smalltalk and Lisp (or even
better, ML) in the same address space. They both want to be in charge,
and you will quickly decide the best thing to do is put each language
into its own process.
> Type inferencing is especially difficult to add to a dynamically typed
> language, and in general I think results are much better if you have type
> inference from the very beginning (like ML and Haskell) rather than trying
> to retrofit it later. Guido says that they've only been able to get it to
> work reliably in Python with constants, which isn't very useful.
Look at the Self language. That language has less of a surface concept
of type than Python (classes are not defined). Still, Self was/is used
as a platform to investigate type inferencing, code specialization, and
native code generation.
--Scott David Daniels
Scott.Daniels at Acm.Org
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