Weekly Python Patch/Bug Summary
Kurt B. Kaiser
kbk at shore.net
Thu Jun 9 23:03:56 EDT 2005
Patch / Bug Summary
Patches : 339 open ( -5) / 2857 closed (+12) / 3196 total ( +7)
Bugs : 908 open ( -8) / 5036 closed (+22) / 5944 total (+14)
RFE : 189 open ( -2) / 168 closed ( +5) / 357 total ( +3)
New / Reopened Patches
Trivial typo in unicodedata._getcode (2005-06-02)
http://python.org/sf/1213831 opened by Darek Suchojad
Support non-file source/dest in marshal (2005-06-04)
http://python.org/sf/1214879 opened by Skip Montanaro
file.encoding support for file.write and file.writelines (2005-06-04)
http://python.org/sf/1214889 opened by Reinhold Birkenfeld
two fileinput enhancements (fileno, openhook) (2005-06-05)
http://python.org/sf/1215184 opened by Reinhold Birkenfeld
Suggested Additional Material for urllib2 docs (2005-06-08)
http://python.org/sf/1216942 opened by Mike Foord
proposed patch for tls wrapped ssl support added to smtplib (2005-06-08)
http://python.org/sf/1217246 opened by Pete G
Patches Closed
[ast] fix for 1183468: return/yield in class (2005-04-16)
http://python.org/sf/1184418 closed by nascheme
[AST] throw SyntaxError in "from x import y," (2005-05-04)
http://python.org/sf/1194895 closed by nascheme
fix for trivial flatten bug in astgen (2005-01-04)
http://python.org/sf/1095541 closed by nascheme
Add st_flags support to (l)stat function (2005-06-01)
http://python.org/sf/1212117 closed by perky
buffer overflow in _cursesmodule.c (2005-05-11)
http://python.org/sf/1200134 closed by akuchling
Typo in Curses-Function doc (2005-04-20)
http://python.org/sf/1186781 closed by akuchling
binary formats for marshalling floats (2005-04-11)
http://python.org/sf/1180995 closed by mwh
test_locale fix on modern linux (2005-05-07)
http://python.org/sf/1197218 closed by anthonybaxter
An URL for UnicodeData File Format 3.2 has changed. (2005-05-25)
http://python.org/sf/1207985 closed by perky
Patch for [ 1170331 ] Error in base64.b32decode (2005-03-27)
http://python.org/sf/1171487 closed by akuchling
#1074261 gzip dies on gz files with many appended headers (2004-11-27)
http://python.org/sf/1074381 closed by akuchling
asynchat does not accept 'long' terminator (2004-08-03)
http://python.org/sf/1002763 closed by akuchling
New / Reopened Bugs
Queue.qsize() better info about unreliability (2005-06-02)
http://python.org/sf/1213475 opened by Nikos Kouremenos
os.path.realpath() cannot handle symlinks (2005-06-02)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1213894 opened by Ilya Sandler
test_marshal.py discards marshal.load val (2005-06-04)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1214662 opened by Skip Montanaro
subprocess auto-reaps children (2005-06-04)
http://python.org/sf/1214859 opened by Mattias EngdegÄrd
bsddb dbobj.DB.associate doesn't accept dbobj.DB param (2005-06-04)
http://python.org/sf/1215023 opened by Gregory P. Smith
int('x',radix) puzzle (2005-06-05)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1215146 opened by elgordo
String and list methods deeply hidden (2005-06-06)
http://python.org/sf/1215887 opened by Reinhold Birkenfeld
Large tarfiles cause overflow (2005-06-06)
http://python.org/sf/1215928 opened by Tom Emerson
Replace MSVC memory allocator with ptmalloc2 (2005-06-07)
http://python.org/sf/1216562 opened by Niall Douglas
csv module sometimes raises _csv.Error (2005-06-08)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1216831 opened by Mary Gardiner
LINKCC->CXX, -ltermcap->-lncurses (2005-06-08)
http://python.org/sf/1216923 opened by Niki W. Waibel
Info from man python not in docs (2005-06-08)
http://python.org/sf/1217152 opened by Kent Johnson
Omission in docs for smtplib.SMTP.sendmail() (2005-06-09)
http://python.org/sf/1217513 opened by Kent Johnson
make frameworkinstall fails for non-default location (2005-06-09)
http://python.org/sf/1217591 opened by Mitch Chapman
pydoc includes unnecessary files for a package. (2005-06-09)
http://python.org/sf/1217881 opened by Igor Belyi
Bugs Closed
check for return/yield outside function is wrong (2005-04-15)
http://python.org/sf/1183468 closed by nascheme
Incorrect result for regular expression - "|(hello)|(world)" (2005-06-01)
http://python.org/sf/1212411 closed by tim_one
doc bug in Lock.acquire (2005-05-27)
http://python.org/sf/1209880 closed by akuchling
(?(id)yes|no) only works when referencing the first group (2005-04-06)
http://python.org/sf/1177831 closed by akuchling
Notation (2005-04-30)
http://python.org/sf/1193001 closed by akuchling
os.path.realpath() cannot handle symlinks (2005-06-03)
http://python.org/sf/1213894 closed by birkenfeld
bz2.BZ2File doesn't handle modes correctly (2005-05-03)
http://python.org/sf/1194181 closed by birkenfeld
test_marshal.py discards marshal.load val (2005-06-04)
http://python.org/sf/1214662 closed by montanaro
WeakValueDictionary.__init__ is backwards (2005-05-06)
http://python.org/sf/1196315 closed by birkenfeld
Typo in "Differences from mimelib" (2005-05-27)
http://python.org/sf/1210001 closed by birkenfeld
IDLE 1.0.5 (Python 2.3.5) crashes under Windows (2005-05-21)
http://python.org/sf/1206232 closed by kbk
example broken in section 1.12 of Extending & Embedding (2005-04-16)
http://python.org/sf/1184380 closed by birkenfeld
try to open /dev/null as directory (2005-04-15)
http://python.org/sf/1183585 closed by birkenfeld
int('x',radix) puzzle (2005-06-05)
http://python.org/sf/1215146 closed by birkenfeld
compileall doesn't notice syntax errors (2001-03-30)
http://python.org/sf/412436 closed by birkenfeld
doc speaks of extensions option while it's *called* ext_modu (2005-03-25)
http://python.org/sf/1170422 closed by akuchling
dumbdbm hoses index on load failure (2005-03-29)
http://python.org/sf/1172763 closed by akuchling
csv module sometimes raises _csv.Error (2005-06-07)
http://python.org/sf/1216831 closed by montanaro
error in documentation for splitting empty string (2005-03-28)
http://python.org/sf/1171994 closed by akuchling
Error in base64.b32decode (2005-03-24)
http://python.org/sf/1170331 closed by akuchling
gzip dies on gz files with many appended headers (2004-11-27)
http://python.org/sf/1074261 closed by akuchling
datetime changes missing from "Porting from 2.3 to 2.4" (2004-12-04)
http://python.org/sf/1079134 closed by akuchling
New / Reopened RFE
Move test_method_checksum from test_unicodedata. (2005-06-02)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1213703 opened by Darek Suchojad
module warnings lacks a remove filter function (2005-06-04)
http://python.org/sf/1214675 opened by Torsten Bronger
Add Error Code Dictionary to urllib2 (2005-06-08)
http://python.org/sf/1216944 opened by Mike Foord
RFE Closed
Move test_method_checksum from test_unicodedata. (2005-06-02)
http://python.org/sf/1213703 closed by rhettinger
Prepending Text (2005-05-31)
http://python.org/sf/1212169 closed by rhettinger
The array module and the buffer interface (2005-04-26)
http://python.org/sf/1190033 closed by rhettinger
expm1 and log1p (2005-03-14)
http://python.org/sf/1163139 closed by rhettinger
Support file path concat with "/" (2002-11-27)
http://python.org/sf/644940 closed by birkenfeld
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