Annoying behaviour of the != operator

Dan Bishop danb_83 at
Wed Jun 8 18:26:39 EDT 2005

Mahesh wrote:
> I understand that what makes perfect sense to me might not make perfect
> sense to you but it seems a sane default. When you compare two objects,
> what is that comparision based on? In the explicit is better than
> implicit world, Python can only assume that you *really* do want to
> compare objects unless you tell it otherwise. The only way it knows how
> to compare two objects is to compare object identities.

This isn't the issue here.  I agree that object identity comparison is
a good default equality test.  The issue is whether this default should
be thought of as

   # your approach (and the current implementation)
   def __eq__(self, other):
      return self is other
   def __ne__(self, other):
      return self is not other


   # my approach
   def __eq__(self, other):
      return self is other
   def __ne__(self, other):
      return not (self == other)

My approach simplifies the implementation (i.e., requires one fewer
method to be overridden) of classes for which (x != y) == not (x == y).
 This is a very common case.

Your approach simplifies the implementation of classes for which
equality tests are based on data but inequality tests are based on
identity (or vice-versa).  I can't think of a single situation in which
this is useful.

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