Is pyton for me?

Dan Bishop danb_83 at
Thu Jun 9 23:10:35 EDT 2005

Mark de+la+Fuente wrote:
> I need to write simple scripts for executing command line functions.  Up till
> now I've used C-Shell scripts for this, but I'm looking for a better
> alternative.  And I keep reading about how "easy" it is to program with
> python.
> Unfortunately after reading "diveintopython" and the python tutorial, I'm not
> sure how to do what I need to do.
> Here is an example of the type of thing I would like to be able to do.
> Can I do this with python?  How do I get python to execute command line
> functions?

import os
os.system('gensky 3 21 12 > sky.rad')

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