DB API 2.0 and transactions

Magnus Lycka lycka at carmen.se
Mon Jun 13 06:23:48 EDT 2005

I'm CC:ing this to D'Arcy J.M. Cain. (See comp.lang.python for prequel

Christopher J. Bottaro wrote:
> Check this out...
> <code>
> import pgdb
> import time
> print time.ctime()
> db = pgdb.connect(user='test', host='localhost', database='test')
> time.sleep(5)
> db.cursor().execute('insert into time_test
>                      (datetime)
>                      values
>                      (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)')
> db.commit()
> curs = db.cursor()
> curs.execute('select datetime from time_test order by datetime desc limit
> 1')
> row = curs.fetchone()
> print row[0]
> </code>
> <output>
> Fri Jun 10 17:27:21 2005
> '2005-06-10 17:27:21.654897-05'
> </output>
> Notice the times are exactly the same instead of 5 sec difference.
> What do you make of that?  Some other replies to this thread seemed to
> indicate that this is expected and proper behavior.

This is wrong. It should not behave like that if it is to follow
the SQL standard which *I* would expect and consider proper.

I don't think the SQL standard mandates that all evaluations of
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP within a transaction should be the same. It does
manadate that CURRENT_TIMESTAMP in only evaluated once in each SQL
statement, so "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" should always be
true in a WHERE statement. I don't think it's a bug if all timestamps
in a transaction are the same though. It's really a bonus if we can
view all of a transaction as taking place at the same time. (A bit
like Piper Halliwell's time-freezing spell in "Charmed".)

The problem is that transactions should never start until the first
transaction-initiating SQL statement takes place. (In SQL-92, all
standard SQL statements are transaction initiating except CONNECT,
(SET DESCRIPTOR is the exception here).) Issuing BEGIN directly after
CONNECT, ROLLBACK and COMMIT is in violation with the SQL standards.

A workaround for you could be to explicitly start a new transaction
before the insert as PostgreSQL (but not the SQL standard) wants you
to do. I suppose you can easily do that using e.g. db.rollback(). If
you like, I guess you could do db.begin=db.rollback in the beginning
of your code and then use db.begin().

Another option would be to investigate if any of the other postgreSQL
drivers have a more correct behaviour. The non-standard behaviour that
you describe it obvious from the pgdb source. See:
(Comments added by me.)

> class pgdbCnx:
> 	def __init__(self, cnx):
> 		self.__cnx = cnx
> 		self.__cache = pgdbTypeCache(cnx)
> 		try:
> 			src = self.__cnx.source()
> 			src.execute("BEGIN") # Ouch!
> 		except:
> 			raise OperationalError, "invalid connection."
> ...
> 	def commit(self):
> 		try:
> 			src = self.__cnx.source()
> 			src.execute("COMMIT")
> 			src.execute("BEGIN") # Ouch!
> 		except:
> 			raise OperationalError, "can't commit."
> 	def rollback(self):
> 		try:
> 			src = self.__cnx.source()
> 			src.execute("ROLLBACK")
> 			src.execute("BEGIN") # Ouch!
> 		except:
> 			raise OperationalError, "can't rollback."


This should be changed to something like this (untested):

> class pgdbCnx:
> 	def __init__(self, cnx):
> 		self.__cnx = cnx
> 		self.__cache = pgdbTypeCache(cnx)
> 		self.inTxn = False #NEW
> 		try:
> 			src = self.__cnx.source() # No BEGIN here
> 		except:
> 			raise OperationalError, "invalid connection."
> 	def commit(self):
> 		try:
> 			src = self.__cnx.source()
> 			src.execute("COMMIT")
> 			self.inTxn = False # Changed
> 		except:
> 			raise OperationalError, "can't commit."
> 	def rollback(self):
> 		try:
> 			src = self.__cnx.source()
> 			src.execute("ROLLBACK")
> 			self.inTxn = False # Changed
> 		except:
> 			raise OperationalError, "can't rollback."
> 	def cursor(self):
> 		try:
> 			src = self.__cnx.source()
> 			return pgdbCursor(src, self.__cache, self) # Added self
> 		except:
> 			raise pgOperationalError, "invalid connection."


> class pgdbCursor:
> 	def __init__(self, src, cache, conn): # Added conn
> 		self.__cache = cache
> 		self.__source = src
 >		self.__conn = conn # New
> 		self.description = None
> 		self.rowcount = -1
> 		self.arraysize = 1
> 		self.lastrowid = None
(execute calls executemany)
> 	def executemany(self, operation, param_seq):
> 		self.description = None
> 		self.rowcount = -1
> 		# first try to execute all queries
> 		totrows = 0
> 		sql = "INIT"
> 		try:
> 			for params in param_seq:
> 				if params != None:
> 					sql = _quoteparams(operation, params)
> 				else:
> 					sql = operation
 >				if not self.__conn.inTxn: # Added test
> 					self.__source.execute('BEGIN')
 > 					self.__conn.inTxn = True
> 				rows = self.__source.execute(sql)
> 				if rows != None: # true is __source is NOT a DQL
> 					totrows = totrows + rows
> 				else:
> 					self.rowcount = -1

I guess it would be even better if the executemany method checked
that it was really a tranasction-initiating SQL statement, but that
makes things a bit slower and more complicated, especially as I
suspect that the driver premits several SQL statements separated
by semicolon in execute and executemany. We really don't want to
add a SQL parser to pgdb. Making all statements transaction-initiating
is at least much closer to standard behaviour than to *always* start
transactions start prematurely. I guess it will remove problems like
the one I mentioned earlier (repeated below) in more than 99% of the

This bug has implications far beyond timestamps. Imagine two
transaction running with isolation level set to e.g. serializable.
Transaction A updates the AMOUNT column in various rows of table
X, and transaction B calculates the sum of all AMOUNTs in X.

Lets say they run over time like this, with | marking transaction
start and > commit (N.B. ASCII art follows, you need a fixed font
to view this):


This works as expected... The first B-transaction sums up AMOUNTs
after the first A-transaction is done etc, but imagine what happens
if transactions implicitly begin too early as with the current pgdb:


This will cause B1 to sum up AMOUNTs before A1, and B2 will sum up
AMOUNTs after A1, not after A2.

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