Destructive Windows Script

rbt rbt at
Mon Jun 6 16:55:52 EDT 2005

Mike Meyer wrote:
> "Terry Reedy" <tjreedy at> writes:
>>On *nix, one could open '/dev/rawdisk' (actual name depends on the *nix 
>>build) and write a tracks worth of garbage for as many tracks as there are. 
>>I don't how to programmaticly get the track size and number (if there is a 
>>standard way at all).
> Modern Unix systems assume drives don't care much about geometry, what
> with sector forwarding and variable track lengths and the like.
> Just open the raw disk device (assuming your Unix has such), and start
> writing data to it. Keep going until the write fails at the end of the
> media.
>         <mike

Wouldn't /dev/urandom or /dev/random on Linux systems work better? It's 
the kernel's built in random number generator. It'd fill the drive with 
random bits of data. You could loop it too... in fact, I think many of 
the pre-packaged *wipe* programs are mini Linux distros that do just this.

dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/your_hard_drive

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