COM problem .py versus .exe
Tim Golden
tim.golden at
Wed Jun 29 05:43:02 EDT 2005
[Thomas Heller]
| "Tim Golden" <tim.golden at> writes:
| > [Greg Miller]
| > | Hello again, I put the executable on the "virgin" PC today.
| > | I am using
| > | the wmi(b) that you gave me. The error that I am
| receiving now is:
| > |
| > | File "autoStart.pyc", line 241, in test
| > | File "wmib.pyc", line 157, in ?
| > | File "win32com\client\__init__.pyc", line 73, in GetObject
| > | File "win32com\client\__init__.pyc", line 88, in Moniker
| > | com_error: (-2147221020, 'Invalid syntax', None, None)
| > |
| > | any thoughts on this error? Thanks again for the help.
| >
| > Well that's a real pain!
| Doesn't this look like the WMI service (or how it's called) is not
| installed?
| Thomas
I don't think that's it; (a) because I've seen this issue before
on my own machine, although I don't remember what the cause was!
and (b) because unless the OP's on Win9x/NT I think it very
unlikely that WMI isn't up-and-running.
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