Python slogan, was Re: Grouping code by indentation - feature or ******?

Kent Johnson kent37 at
Sat Mar 26 07:09:38 EST 2005

Peter Otten wrote:
> Tim Roberts wrote:
>>Or, paraphrasing Mark Twain, "Python is the worst possible programming
>>language, except for all the others."
> I've been trying to establish that a while ago, but would attribute it to
> Winston Churchill -- so I'm a little confused now. Can you provide the text
> where it's taken from?

A little Googling shows it is widely attributed to Churchill but I didn't find an original source. 
The full quote seems to be "democracy is the worst possible form of government except - all the 
others that have been tried".

The most authoritative citation I can find is from this page at The Churchill Centre:

Interestingly, this quote is not on their page of famous quotes:


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