(noob alert) why doesn't this work?

Bouke Woudstra bouke at gentoolinux.demon.nl
Tue Mar 22 08:27:08 EST 2005

Thanks for all suggestions. Your first point I knew, but was too lazy to type 
it. It made no difference for the test files had all tags. Knowing that it 
was not a asynchrous thing helped me a lot though. There had to be something 
wrong with the command line for metaflac. 

It turned out that some flac files have tags like Artist=artistname and others 
have artist=artistname. Therefore it couldn't find the artist! So now I just 
look for 'rtist=' which works great.

Thanks for all the help!

Op dinsdag 22 maart 2005 12:18, schreef Simon Brunning:
> On Tue, 22 Mar 2005 12:10:50 +0100, Bouke Woudstra
> <bouke at gentoolinux.demon.nl> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm a bit stuck with this python script. It's aim is to encode all flac
> > files to wav and then to mp3. The only problem I have is to preserve the
> > tags. The code works when there's just one flac file in a directory but
> > fails for more. I can't see why the for loop fails here (flactags).
> >
> > The error thrown is: UnboundLocalError: local variable 'title' referenced
> > before assignment
> Perhaps you get to line 56 without having gone through line 51? Might
> one of your flac files not have a title line?
> > I don't understand why this isn't assigned. I suspect that self.wav2mp3
> > doesn't wait for the first part to finish, but how to force it to wait?
> Nope. Looks asynchronous to me.
> --
> Cheers,
> Simon B,
> simon at brunningonline.net,
> http://www.brunningonline.net/simon/blog/

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