Communication between python scripts

Stephen Toledo-Brown Stephen_Toledo_Brown at domain_in_sig
Fri Mar 4 05:39:08 EST 2005

Heiko Wundram wrote:

> Am Dienstag, 1. März 2005 21:54 schrieb Chris:
>>Is there a preferred method for having different scripts on different
>>computers communicate with each other?
> You have several options at your disposal.

> 6) do something else which doesn't come to my mind just now. ;)

The main one missing seems to be using asynchronous middleware - either 
database or Messsage Queuing. e.g. there's pymqi for a Python interface 
to WebSphereMQ, or there are some lighter-weight open-source 
alternatives if you don't need that level of robustness.

Note that between all these alternatives, there are 2 fundamentally 
different categories: synchronous (sockets, RPC) or asynchronous (email, 
ftp, MQ, etc). Getting that first decision right is much more important 
than choosing between the methods within each category because 
synchronous vs. asynchronous affects your basic app design, whereas 
refactoring between different synchronous methods or between 
asynchronous methods, is relatively easy.
Steve Toledo-Brown
Speaking for myself only.

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