multiple import of a load of variables

Torsten Bronger bronger at
Wed Mar 16 05:12:56 EST 2005


I have a file that looks a little bit like a C header file with a
long list of variables (actually constants) definitions, e.g.

VI_ATTR_TIMO = 0x54378

Actually I need this in a couple of low-level modules that are
imported into the main module, and in the main module itself.  They
may be also used in the programs that import the main module.

Probably it doesn't mean a significant loss of performance anyway
since all of it is done only at startup, but I wonder whether it's
better to keep everything that depends on this "header" file
together so that it must be looked over by Python only once.  Is
this correct, or is there some sort of implicit optimisation that
makes both variants almost equivalent?


Torsten Bronger, aquisgrana, europa vetus

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