Python RegExp

davidchipping at davidchipping at
Tue Mar 22 17:04:31 EST 2005

I have a string which I wish to match using RE, however when I run my
comparison (using the match method) on my machine it never returns,
using the CPU fully.

The code is (very simply):

import re

buffer = r"#1 1 550 111 SYNC_PEER RES
<YP>syncpeers=(id=54325432;add=10." \

"0.0.1;port=89;up=89),(id=97899;add=;port=543;up=543)," \

p = re.compile(r'#(?P<tran>[0-9]+\s)(?P<sess>[0-9]+\s)' \
                + '(?P<ndto>[0-9]+\s)(?P<ndfr>[0-9]+\s)' \
                + '(?P<cmd>[a-zA-Z_]+\s)(?P<dir>[a-zA-Z_]+)' \
                + '(?P<parm>(\s<[a-zA-Z]+>(\s*[a-zA-Z]+=[a-zA' \
                + '-Z0-9.,=();]+\s*)+<[a-zA-Z]+>)*)#(?P<left>.*$)')

print "starting the match"
rst = (p.match (buffer) != None)
print "finishing the match"

Should this every actually happen? Regardless of whether the statment
matches or not, surely it should do this?

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