wxPython vs. pyQt

Jarek Zgoda jzgoda at gazeta.usun.pl
Sat Mar 19 05:17:24 EST 2005

eholbroo at kaustinr.r.com napisał(a):

> I've narrowed down my toolkit selection for my project to wxPython and
> pyQt, and now i'd like to hear any opinions, war stories, peeves, etc,
> about them, particularly from anyone who's used _both_toolkits_. I'm
> only mildly interested in the IDEs and UI designers for each, as i
> want to do as much as i can in just Xemacs and xterm. Feel free to
> rant, rave, pontificate, whatever.

There's no clear winner.

On Windows wx runs fast, looks good and is stable enough to use in 
production. On X11 wx is dog slow, looks good only if you use GTK-based 
environment (GNOME, XFCE) and crashes randomly on my machine. Oh, and is 
LGPL (basically), that's good for those scared by GPL.

On Windows Qt runs reasonably, looks reasonably and is rock solid. On 
X11 Qt is lightning fast, looks good only if you have installed part of 
KDE and is rock solid. You can buy commercial licenses for both Qt and 
PyQt or go free with GPL version. Until Qt4 come later this year, you 
must use commercial version.

I prefer Qt, but now in my case it's a matter of personal taste.

Jarek Zgoda
http://jpa.berlios.de/ | http://www.zgodowie.org/

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