distutils setup ignoring scripts

Raseliarison nirinA nirina at mail.blueline.mg
Tue Mar 15 11:33:13 EST 2005

"Jack Orenstein" wrote:

> I'm using Python 2.2 on RH9. I have a set of Python modules
> organized
> into a root package and one other package named foobar. setup.py
> looks
> like this:
>      from distutils.core import setup
>      setup(
>          name = 'foobar',
>          version = '0.3',
>          description = 'Foo Bar',
>          author = 'Jack Orenstein',
>          author_email = 'jao at geophile.com',
>          packages = ['', 'xyz'],
>          scripts = ['bin/foobar']
>          )
> The resulting package has everything in the specified directories,
> but
> does not include the script. I've tried making the path bin/foobar
> absolute, but that doesn't help. I've googled for known bugs of this
> sort but have come up emtpy. (The first line of bin/foobar is
> #!/usr/bin/python.)
> I've also tried using DISTUTIL_DEBUG, which has been uninformative,
> (e.g. no mention of bin/foobar at all).
> Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong?

i think there's nothing wrong.
the script (i guess you mean the setup.py file) is not included
into the package because you haven't specified it to be so.
inside your script to perform inclusion.

another way to include other files not specified by the setup script
is to write a MANIFEST where you indicate those files. then build the
package with the sdist command:

$ cat > MANIFEST

$ python setup.py sdist

> Jack Orenstein

hope this helps.


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