firefox python plugin

Thomas Ganss tganss_at_t_dash_online_dot_de-remove-all-after-first-real-dash at
Wed Mar 9 04:35:55 EST 2005

M.N.A.Smadi schrieb:
> hi;
> i want to write a script to do the following:
> when using firefox to download a textfile, instead of saving it to the 
> hard dist, i want to run a python script on it, and i want the python 
> script then to prompt me for the location where i want to store the 
> processed downloaded file
clientside processing could either be done in javascript (possibly 
disabled on some machines <g>) or in jython running as an applet.
Storing processed data could be considered quite dangerous <BG>. You 
have to consider security settings / sandbox approaches here.

Unless it is a specific issue for most use cases creating the processed 
file on the server and offering a link to download would be a better 



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